Trigger-it Remote Installer is a builtin tool that comes with Trigger-it that allows administrators to push the agent remotely on client machines.
In order for the tool to work effectively, the following prerequisites must be met:
- The account that is running the tool must have local admin access on client machines.
- The remote machine must be reachable over the network.
- Admin shares must be enabled on client machines.
How to use the tool:
Launch the Triggerit Remote Installer tool and fill the following data:
- Package Path: This is the UNC path that contains the installation package including 64bit and 32bit clients.
- Account Name: This is the account that will be used to access the admin share and install the agent, it must has local admin privilege on the machine.
- Password: This is the account’s password.

Choose the installation method to apply:
- Regular install will install the agent normally on client machines.
- Repair will reinstall the agent in client machines.
- Include will add file to the installation.
- Test will run a simple ipconfig command and returns results on client machines.

Then choose to add computers by discovering subnets, AD OUs or from a CSV file:

Then once clients are imported, click on Start to install the agents, it takes 5 to 15 minutes depending on the client machine performance and network speed to finish the copy process and installing the agent.