Understanding Trigger-it Agent Name Resolution

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Trigger-it agent could be deployed on domain and work group computers equally without requiring special configuration, however name resolution must be planned carefully.

Name Resolution for Workgroup Computers:

In workgroup environment, Trigger-it doesn’t depend on DNS and could connect to the server provided that there is a Server.name file (case sensitive) in the program files directly.

The Server.name file contains encrypted server FQDN or IP which allows the agent to know to which server it must connect.

Generate a Server.name data:

The Server.name data could be generated from the console as following:

  • From the management console, click on Generate Server Key.

Enter the server FQDN or IP Address and click on Generate.

Copy the generated key to an empty text file and name the file Server.name (case sensitive) , and you need to script the installation to include it in the agent installation or copied to the following path “C:\Program Files\Triggerit Agent\”

Restart the agent if the file is recently copied and the new settings will be applied.

If the agent can’t find the Server.name file and the computer is a workgroup then the agent will use triggerit.triggerit.triggerit DNS name which could be configured using hosts file or a local DNS server.

Name Resolution for Domain Computers:

If the agent detected that the computer is joined to an Active Directory domain, it automatically tries to connect to the following DNS name “Triggerit.<DNSNAME>” this behavior is automatic and can’t be overriden.

The only way to override this behavior is to provide a Server.name file and redirect the clients to another server, the steps to generate a Server.name file is the same as the steps above.

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