Working With Bandwidth Control (Advanced)

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One of the core features of Trigger-it agent its ability to control bandwidth for outbound and inbound connection for certain applications.

Bandwidth control for Trigger-it is unique because it can control the entire EXE bandwidth and you don’t have to classify or identify protocols or traffic to control bandwidth.

Trigger-it bandwidth control doesn’t rely on any network device and works without any special network configuration required and compatible with all network devices.

Trigger-it bandwidth control doesn’t configure or change any network parameter as it is enforced from the agent itself.

Understanding Bandwidth Classes

In order to control the bandwidth of specific application, you need to set a class for it, bandwidth classes set the maximum bandwidth for this EXE or application.

By default, all applications on any managed agent is not classified, meaning it is allowed to consume the maximum bandwidth it can reach, however, through Trigger-it console you can create up to 2 classes each class is defined with a different bandwidth.

You can create a bandwidth control element for an application, which defined an Application by its EXE name and sets its class, once applied through a policy the EXE will not be allowed to exceed the defined bandwidth.

Note: The traffic control applies for all traffic, internal and external.

Create a bandwidth class

To create a bandwidth class, open Trigger-it console and navigate to policies and choose Policy Assignment or Policy Elements

  • From the ribbon menu, choose Bandwidth Control then Create Bandwidth Class
  • From the drop down menu, choose a class name, class names are static and either Class 1 or Class 2 , you can’t create multiple rules with the same class.
  • Enter the defined bandwidth for each class.
  • Click Save to save the class
  • To Delete a bandwidth class, click on delete to it

Creating a Bandwidth Control Element

  • From the ribbon menu, choose Bandwidth Control and Create bandwidth Policy Element
  • Enter the rule name, EXE name including .EXE extension and set the class
  • Click Save to save the element.

Now you can include the policy element in a policy and apply it to managed endpoints.

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